August 12, 2010

Christmas Quilt-A-Long

Yes, I jumped ship, full sails out.  I joined Quilting Sue's Quilt along.  I don't know what I'll be making and neither does she but at least we both know we'll need to be making something and anything done sooner is always better than later.  Why not jump in with us?  Just plan on setting the crock pot to something nice and earthy (who knows maybe I'll share a couple of recipes?!?!?) and spending the day just you and your sewing machine.  Okay and some munchies, but you have to ignore all those phone calls that always seem to come when you're trying ever so hard to finish the gift from the person who wont stop calling you!

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QuiltSue said...

Welcome aboard! I hope it'll be a fun, as well as a useful day. Certainly get the recipes out. They're one of my plans for the day. I'll be posting about that later today.

Vicki said...

Have fun with your Christmas Quilt-a-long tomorrow. After this crazy week at work I first plan to sleep in tomorrow (YEAH), then the regular errands and then it's time to get back to quilting the orange quilt.