October 02, 2011

Foto Finish: Feet

I nearly forgot about Cat Patches Foto Finish, yesterday's theme was feet.  So after going back to my old pictures, I found this one that I'm certain I've never shared. These were my daughter's shoes before before the days that she could walk.  My momma always told me that if children can't walk there is no sense trying to keep shoes on their feet so don't even bother buying them.  She always felt it was better to invest in quality baby socks that stayed on instead of being worried over loosing shoes and I saw the logic in that. So I didn't buy any of these shoes. Instead they came to me as hand me downs from friends and family.  As you can see most of them have never been worn and many still had stickers on them.  When DD outgrew the possibility of wearing them I happily donated them all to Hospice and sent them all paired together off for frugal Grandma's to pick through and gush over.


Barbara said...

What a sweet image. Thanks for posting and telling us about them.

stitchinpenny said...

So glad to see you blogging. Love the shoe blog with all the shoes your daughter could have worn. I love the cat on the quilt frame. I know mine couldn't do that - she weighs a ton - OK 16 pounds, but she wouldn't make it in the space and weight contraints. Love the colors of the quilt in the semi-dark - like watching the ocean at night.

Unknown said...

Oh my! What a pretty picture! Those sweet tiny shoes, you just know a sweet little one wore them! Great post! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

Dana Gaffney said...

What a good idea, shoes. I couldn't come up with anything so I didn't play.

Heather Landry said...

I love this photo! They are all so very tiny. I love the blue jelly shoes. I was one of the goofy women who dressed the children in shoes before they would walk.

quiltzyx said...

Cute little shoes! And you can just SEE the sweet tiny feet with wiggly toes that aren't wearing them! lol