December 10, 2011

Foto Finish: Holiday Decor

Today's theme for Photo Finish is Holiday Decor.  I made during one of the 2010 Christmas Quilt-a-long days last year for my cousin Giovanna.  It took all day.  Inset lace, and all kinds of heirloom stuff.  It's not what I'd normally make but I made it because it spoke to me about who she was.  My husband built a handmade poplar box and lined it with felt to keep it in and then we mailed it off.  Boy oh boy did we hear about that, don't do that again - you spent to much to mail it.  And so on.  But still it warmed my heart because I knew we'd made that for her.  She passed away this past summer and I'm glad we made those things and gave them to her and her husband last year.


Barbara said...

That is just lovely! Thank you for sharing.

Pat said...

Very pretty!