November 14, 2012

Serger Lace

Did you know you can use a Serger to make lace?  I was looking for information on tension adjustment and discovered it.  Unlike a blanket edge or a hem that goes around and around, this little dress on DD's AG Kailey Doll is actually a dog dress so there was some stopping turning and heading back. I really like the design though.  I think my thread stash needs to swell a bit to include these heavier threads so I can do it more often.  Don't you agree?

Today is the Great American Teach-In.  My theme is What Makes You, You?  I have sheets of paper cut into squares which each child can draw whatever they like.  Ideally they will all have colored pencils so the medium at least will be the same, but if not then when I scan them in I'll just have to hope I can color adjust the tones evenly.  This will be a custom printed panel as I did when DD was in VPK.  Wish me luck!


stitchinpenny said...

You don't need luck. you have skills!!!

QuiltSue said...

You just have so much imagination I know this teach-in project will be a great success.