Jammin' Jammiez |
Okay Normally I would wait to tell you about my new project for May but I just started it this evening and finished it too. Using leftover flannel I made my daughter new pj's. Jammin' Jammiez.
This is my own pattern. I seem to do much better making clothes when I just wing it, and I find not only do I enjoy the process more, I am often much happier with the results both short and long term. Because I didn't use a pattern that meant I took the measurements off my daughter, while she was feeling impatient with me because she wanted to play on the computer. I was sure 26" would do it with plenty of wiggle room, but she doesn't feel it's loose enough. Being sleepwear I'm inclined to agree, so tomorrow I will seam rip off the bodice, adding likely 3" over all (by adding at the side seams of the bodice and resewing the front and back pleats then re-attaching. It sounds like a big deal but it isn't, and will likely give her a year or more of grow room.
Jammin' Jammiez Back |
Oh you should have seen her. She was delighted, wanting to know if she could pretend it is a dress and wear it to school. I have never seen her so happy over a blue garment before. Granted it has been a while since I sewed anything for her. A year, I think? Perhaps I need to make a point to hand make something for her every so often. Oh and the big surprise? I have enough leftover of the light blue stars to make a simple version for me too. Then we'll be mom and me sleepers. Or should I say daughter and me?
Now no worries about the Lone Star, I've been making progress since that border post. I've have 3 of the last 4 glow blocks fully sewn - and they are completed blocks not just arcs! As for the 7th there was a little water spill on the completed arc and I had a bit of an issue with the dye in the purple running. Currently I feel like I have three options. #1 Just remake the entire glow #2 Carefully use a bleach pen and last but not least #3 seam rip out the 3 or 4 offending pieces, cut new ones exactly the same size and replace.
I'm feeling in favor of #2 or #3. What do you think?